Urban art

Urban Art

it Is a new form of expression in the Argentina for differents artists, not envolve only the pictures in the walls, also is the form of the city, of their people, in the city, is present a diversificated type of art, since graffitis of hooligans to pictures that can describe the social, politic, economic or cultural context in the city, are many specialized artists and can be recognized artists or urban artists, but the common objective is express any aspect.


The urban art, can describe ideological aspects or respresentative persons for the culture, in this case, Diego Maradona (right picture) or also can describe social and ideological aspects, in this case with Ernesto Guevara (left picture) this ideological aspects, have many relation with the social and cultural context, is a form of protest to the oppression, racial discrimination, classist differences or discrimination etc.


Also, is important the abstract art, can be express social messages or cultural messages, imaginative messages and others, is developed by any urban artist in a space that can be visible and can generate reflections.


The hooligans, also do part of the urban art, in occasions create murals in his area.


In the last years, the poetic action, do part of the urban art in all the world, in Buenos Aires is present and is developed by poets.

Urban Tribes

Rollinga: The Rolinga is an Argentine urban tribe, composed by fans of The Rolling Stones and Argentine bands with a similar style. The 1990s saw an increased number of "rolinga" bands, such as Los Piojos, Viejas Locas, La 25 Los Gardelitos, Jóvenes Pordioseros, Los Guasones and Callejeros. Their lyrics slowly departed from the classic topics of rock and roll music and focused instead on localism and the customs of poor people, but not to the point of talking about idealistic struggles or purported revolutions.


Hooligans of Argentina: Are organizated groups established to follow a determinated team, can be associated with drugs or violence, but are moore that this, the group organize events or acts to receive at the team, in other occasions, travel with the team, can be caracterizated by the colors and the denominated “Aguante”.


Cumbiero: Is a sub-culture of the musical gender “cumbia”, in Argentina is associated with the Hooligans, but also includes many differents persons, a representative group of Cumbia in the Argentina is Yerba Brava, this is a lifestyle for differents persons.


Punk: Is a subculture by this music type, in Argentina is very common because are manny groups of punk music, for example Ataque 77, Utopians and others, also likes express social messages, and the lyrics have social and ideologic messages. The Punk is caracterizated for the boots, leather jackets and his particular hairstyle.


Skaters: Is a group united by the skateboards and the urban lifestyle, also develop the skate in urban places, take a determinated space, this group is very diversificated and use articles to the comfort in the practice of the sport.


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