

The Argentina Association for Ecology was founded in 1972 and received his legal status in 1973 Since 1989 affiliated to the Argentine Scientific Society Forum. It brings together researchers, teachers, scholars, professionals and students from all branches of environmental science. The AsAE has 4 main purposes:
-To stimulate and promote research.
-Support education.
-Promote the dissemination of knowledge in ecology.
-Contribute to the protection of natural heritage
The AsAE biennially organizes Argentina Ecology Meeting. It takes place in different cities of the country, which brings together and present their research ecologists Argentina.
Members AsAE research, teach and work on different aspects of ecological knowledge, that relate to problems like these:
-Management of land and water resources.
-Destruction and alteration of habitats, in general.
-Loss of biodiversity (genetic, species, and functional).
-Management of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
-Global Climate Change

Weather Stations:

-Summer: December 21 to March 20:

-Fall: 21 March to 20 June:

-Winter: June 21 to September 20 :

-Spring: 21 September to 20 December:

Buenos Aires has an ideal climate, which permits you to visit at any time of year. Has few days of intense heat or cold and moderate rainfall mainly in spring and autumn.
The Mission of the City of Buenos Aires is to improve the quality of public space for people to enjoy it and wants to take care of. A cleaner, nice, neat, walkable, safe and high quality environmental Buenos Aires generates more commitment to the people and therefore more public awareness.

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